Ecological due diligence

We are a member of the amfori BSCI

For us as a member of the amfori BSCI – Business Social Compliance Initiative – the amfori BEPI Code of Conduct forms an important basis for the ecologically sustainable organization of our business activities. This code obliges us and our associated business partners to apply environmental due diligence in our global supply chains in accordance with internationally recognized principles. The risks dealt with in the Code are recorded in eight environmental performance areas: Environmental Management System, Energy & Climate, Emissions & Air, Water & Wastewater, Waste, Biodiversity, Chemicals and Nuisance from, for example, noise, dust or traffic.

Our suppliers also work in compliance with the BSCI.

To achieve continuous improvement in environmental performance, we and our suppliers are committed to addressing adverse impacts or risks in all areas of environmental performance – both in our own operations and in the respective supply chains.  All our suppliers accept the amfori BEPI Code of Conduct and therefore operate in compliance with the BSCI.

We promote sustainability also with regard to our packaging.

Only plastic made from recycled materials is used for packaging made of plastic or with a plastic content.

Paper materials such as labels, sales displays, packaging etc. are made from FSC-certified paper and marked accordingly with a license code.

All our products carry easy-to-understand instructions on the packaging or on separate labels for correct waste separation.

By the way...

We have set ourselves the goal of raising awareness of sustainable packaging, avoiding plastic and environmentally harmful materials and increasing the proportion of recyclable packaging. As a result, we are dispensing with price stickers on more and more products and printing the sales price directly on the packaging or hangtag – and for good reason:

  • Packaging regulations and legal requirements. Packaging materials, including adhesives, are subject to increasingly strict laws regarding chemical testing.
  • Sustainability and environmental protection. Price stickers contain non-recyclable adhesive. They must first be separated from the packaging for clean disposal.
  • Easy handling. It should be as easy as possible for consumers to dispose of product packaging properly without time-consuming separation.
  • Material savings. Fewer disposal instructions on products enable smaller hangtags, which avoids unnecessary use of materials.