The world of beautiful giving

For more success at your Point of Sale

With our range of cute jewelry, stylish accessories and trendy gift items, you can offer your customers a new, beautiful take-away idea every day. Discover the variety of our colorful, cheerful world of items for your point of sale.

See you at the trade fair!

We will be represented at all major trade fairs again in 2025 – and we look forward to presenting you our current innovations and proven bestsellers there!

You can find all trade fair dates here. We look forward to meeting you!

Our product worlds for your POS

Hochwertige Trendartikel für Groß und Klein

Die bb-Markenvielfalt beinhaltet angesagte Trendartikel für Kinder, Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene. Vom niedlichen Haarschmuck über coole Schul-Artikel bis hin zu hochwertigen Holzspielzeugen – jede Produktlinie überzeugt mit kreativen, topaktuellen Ideen, die bei Ihrer Zielgruppe immer gut ankommen. 

Für Kids bis 6 Jahre

Süß, verspielt und kindgerecht: Eltern und Kinder lieben unsere Produktideen für die Kleinsten

Für Kinder von 6 bis 12

Wenn Kinder ihren eigenen Geschmack entwickeln und Trends wichtiger werden

Für Girls ab 6 Jahren

Trendaktuelle Must-Haves und schicke Styles für junge Ladies und echte Freundinnen

Für Teens und Erwachsene

Modische Accessoires, angesagter Schmuck und verkaufsstarke Geschenkartikel

Discover our innovations now!

That’s what sets us apart: Our innovative ideas always provide fresh buying impulses at the POS. Several times a year, we offer you trendy articles and the latest novelties from international markets – a hit every time.

Cuties sleep masks 2-in-1

The soft and cuddly pillows with integrated sleep mask are trendy travel companions.

Beauty Case concept

Pretty and practical – the perfect storage for the best pieces in the attractive assortment.

Mood rings for boys

The long-standing bestseller – now also available for boys in eight new, cool designs.

Cuties Pop up pencil cases

Pop up pencil case 2-in-1: from pencil case to pen holder in no time at all.

Our top seller concepts

Gemstone concept

Natural and enchanting in every form

Whether as necklaces, bracelets or key rings: our gemstones are the absolute success concept that touches the senses and always offers your customers something unique.


Our concept of the year

Our Jellyroos concept exceeds all expectations! The funny, inimitable squeeze balls in 14 lovingly designed, detailed variations provide fun for every age group.

We are your concept supplier

At bb Klostermann you will find the products that your young and young-at-heart customers are looking for. And we can do even more.

Because we know what you need to turn beautiful product ideas into fast-selling fast-movers. We provide you with practical sales aids, individually designed displays and space-saving presenters that allow you to showcase our product range in the best possible way.

We also offer you customized personal advice and comprehensive on-site service with our nationwide field service.